02 October 2008


Near Taylor University in Upland Indiana is an addictive little restaurant called "Ivanhoe's." Their specialty? Embarrassing the daylights out of Baskin Robbin's 31 flavors.

Ivanhoe's offers not just 31 flavors, but (as of last count) over 100 choices of terror for the lactose-intolerant. And they are flavors on that menu that would freeze up a vote in Congress as to "which one gets my vote today?" So for those who are first timer's at Ivanhoe's, you might want to study the choices, and go off of your diet for at least 4 weeks.

At various points in my life I've been akin to the phrase, "When one decides NOT to decide, the decision has already been made." And especially at this point in our electoral history as a snot-nose, barely-crawling nation, dare I say that those of us who pay attention are only lying to ourselves regarding our electoral choices.

It's amazing that most of us as Americans end up knowing the difference between right and wrong, basically. But when it comes to being truly honest with ourselves in matters of this nation and where it is headed, we tend to dummy down our choice. Unfortunately, someone out there will not vote. People are spilling blood overseas for us to vote, but some of us still won't vote. So be it.

Then again, there ARE others who look at war hero records when there are heroes overseas who did not use their daddy's influence to get ahead. They did not use their wife's billions to get ahead. They do not cheat on their spouses as both Republican candidates have done.

They do not research and learn about how Cindy McCain was dating her current husband when he was married to another woman, Carol McCain.

If anyone is undecided I have one question for them: What type of mind needs to think about who is best to bring a nation together? What kind of sordid racial tension in this country has so soiled us that we are too afraid to look at where we will be in the next four years if we put people who think only of their own personal and financial interests in office?

Probably the most critical question is this: Look at YOU right now. (Go on, find a mirror and STARE into it. Then look at your bank account. Look at your bills. Look at the experience of candidates who work with broke folks--i.e. about 90 percent of most American voters.

So now, to help you make your decision, “Where the heck do YOU want to be in the next four years?” You and I make up the country. Who is going to put us first?

29 September 2008

Extra non scheduled ponderings

Had to share this from Writer named Kathleen Parker.

Subject: [AfricanaCAU YahooGroup]
You Know You Ain't Worth Sh*t When Your Party Doesn't Want You..

Okay, here is a hilarious critique of Palin and a final request to ask her to step down! By respected conservative columnist Kathleen. For those of you who "question" the source and if it is true. Check out the link. It's also in the LA Times

National Review Online

http://article. nationalreview. com/?q=MDZiMDhjY TU1NmI5Y2MwZjg2M WNiMWMyYTUxZDkwN TE=#more

September 26, 2008 12:00 AM

Palin Problem
She’s out of her league.

By Kathleen Parker

If at one time women were considered heretical for swimming upstream against feminist orthodoxy, they now face condemnation for swimming downstream — away from Sarah Palin.

To express reservations about her qualifications to be vice president — and possibly president — is to risk being labeled anti-woman.

Or, as I am guilty of charging her early critics, supporting only a certain kind of woman.

Some of the passionately feminist critics of Palin who attacked her personally deserved some of the backlash they received. But circumstances have changed since Palin was introduced as just a hockey mom with lipstick — what a difference a financial crisis makes — and a more complicated picture has emerged.

As we’ve seen and heard more from John McCain’s running mate, it is increasingly clear that Palin is a problem. Quick study or not, she doesn’t know enough about economics and foreign policy to make Americans comfortable with a President Palin should conditions warrant her promotion.

Yes, she recently met and turned several heads of state as the United Nations General Assembly convened in New York. She was gracious, charming and disarming. Men swooned. Pakistan’s president wanted to hug her. (Perhaps Osama bin Laden is dying to meet her?)

And, yes, she has common sense, something we value. And she’s had executive experience as a mayor and a governor, though of relatively small constituencies (about 6,000 and 680,000, respectively) .

Finally, Palin’s narrative is fun, inspiring and all-American in that frontier way we seem to admire. When Palin first emerged as John McCain’s running mate, I confess I was delighted. She was the antithesis and nemesis of the hirsute, Birkenstock- wearing sisterhood — a refreshing feminist of a different order who personified the modern successful working mother.

Palin didn’t make a mess cracking the glass ceiling. She simply glided through it.

It was fun while it lasted.

Palin’s recent interviews with Charles Gibson, Sean Hannity, and now Katie Couric have all revealed an attractive, earnest, confident candidate. Who Is Clearly Out Of Her League.

No one hates saying that more than I do. Like so many women, I’ve been pulling for Palin, wishing her the best, hoping she will perform brilliantly. I’ve also noticed that I watch her interviews with the held breath of an anxious parent, my finger poised over the mute button in case it gets too painful. Unfortunately, it often does. My cringe reflex is exhausted.

Palin filibusters. She repeats words, filling space with deadwood. Cut the verbiage and there’s not much content there. Here’s but one example of many from her interview with Hannity: “Well, there is a danger in allowing some obsessive partisanship to get into the issue that we’re talking about today. And that’s something that John McCain, too, his track record, proving that he can work both sides of the aisle, he can surpass the partisanship that must be surpassed to deal with an issue like this.”

When Couric pointed to polls showing that the financial crisis had boosted Obama’s numbers, Palin blustered wordily: “I’m not looking at poll numbers. What I think Americans at the end of the day are going to be able to go back and look at track records and see who’s more apt to be talking about solutions and wishing for and hoping for solutions for some opportunity to change, and who’s actually done it?”

If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself.

If Palin were a man, we’d all be guffawing, just as we do every time Joe Biden tickles the back of his throat with his toes. But because she’s a woman — and the first ever on a Republican presidential ticket — we are reluctant to say what is painfully true.

What to do?

McCain can’t repudiate his choice for running mate. He not only risks the wrath of the GOP’s unforgiving base, but he invites others to second-guess his executive decision-making ability. Barack Obama faces the same problem with Biden.

Only Palin can save McCain, her party, and the country she loves. She can bow out for personal reasons, perhaps because she wants to spend more time with her newborn. No one would criticize a mother who puts her family first.

Do it for your country.

— Kathleen Parker is a nationally syndicated columnist.

© 2008, Washington Post Writers Group

Shared from a friend now sharing with you. I voted already.


Subject: Fwd: URGENT!!! PBS is doing a poll to see if people think Palin is qualified to be VP,,,

Republicans are doing a big emailing to get people to

vote yes- and it's working. Please go to this website
and vote NO- it only takes a second! and forward this please

That's MY rap....blessin's to ya,

Time to Find YOUR Reasons Why....

28 September 2008


This morning I was quite pleased not to be awakened by the alarm clock, but by the telephone. Thinking it would be yet another bill collector looking for money from a bank that had gone out of business, I was unwilling to jeopardize my financial peace of mind. But you know, it wasn't a bill collector at all. Instead it was a woman whom I'd never met, but found online because I was facing a painful sciatica situation.

Colleen called at 9:43 a.m. ET. Since all three of those numbers equal "16" that to me meant a pair of "8's" and the number "8" means new beginnings. So this was going to be a very special call.

It had been at least 30 days since I contacted her about her massage services for my leg pain. In fact I "googled" Colleen just from looking up a school in Alexandria, IN specializing in massage. But her website stood out front and center. So like a nosy journalist, I called her.

Colleen has been featured in Indianapolis Woman magazine and is quite on the go. Her wonderful husband Pat must be a gem of a man, sharing just 1 day with her because of her work. Love knows no obstacle and will always find time for itself. I appreciated learning that about Colleen. But our conversation was incredible because when she found out I'm now seeing another massage therapist recommended by my Chiropractor, and she still spoke with me for at least 15 minutes, I know she was a person who just wanted people to do well.

Today Colleen and I talked as if we were sisters. She shared--but didn't have to--about having to replace at least 22 windows to the pricetag of $7,000. She shared that she had to close her Muncie office because of the economy. She shared that people literally trashed a beautiful home with oakwood accents whom she trusted as decent renters. No one should be abused that way, but that's the way life is. We just never know.

What I appreciate about Colleen is that she DID NOT GIVE UP! The price of gasoline is not going to deter her from going from Fort Wayne to Indianapolis to carry on her wonderful healing profession. The fact that renters did not appreciate having a decent home who chose to "cut and run" did not kill her spirit of what I'd like to call "The Spirit of the Re-do."

Sometimes in life, we just have to re-do things. As difficult as the climb to our goals may become, we have to sometimes get down and dirty on our hands and knees, starting from scratch all over again.

There IS NO executive multi-million dollar bail out package for us. There IS NO ONE on Capitol Hill who will just give us free credit with unlimited benefits for an unlimited time.

But y'all know somthin', there are champions out there who are not covered in the Beijing Summer Games. They will never be featured on MSNBC or CNN or FOX news. They are the people like Colleen who, against all the odds, believes that life is worth the effort even if it means bloody knees, scabbed elbow and chapped hands.

There are people just like that on this video that will be available in audio format only at this website: Saturday Leadership Call Archives (give it a minute to load up, lots of files here)
(Click September 27, 2008 when posted--"Good Enough to Win; Tough Enough Not To Quit part 2.)

Source: http://www.yourtravelbiz.com/confcalls_with_archives.htm

I just encourage everyone, whenever you feel stressed, take a little look at Colleen's website under "NEWS" for a great ACV remedy during these stressful times. (She recommends Bragg ACV because of "The Mother" in it.)

To learn more remedies to keep you safe from stress, check out this link.
Also More Safe Natural Cures: Click Here.

Have a wonderful life...not the life that the world predicts. Reactivate your "Spirit of The Re-do."

That's MY rap....blessin's to ya,
