Facebook. Plaxo. Tagged. Ryze. LinkedIn. Twiddle-dee-Twitter, and a host of others that fill up my mailbox with invitations from well wishing friends always amazes me. If I could trade them in for $5 a piece I could produce my own bailout program for the common wo/man. I still say the government owes me and my friends $240,000 plus interest.
Whatever! We live another day.
Although picky by nature (or upbringing or whatever you want to call it-like my choice of shrimp and lobster over a bologna and cheese sandwich, as long as it's in the budget--there are so many places to choose to chum-up with people who we don't mind sharing not some, but ALL of our business.
Good Lord are we all THAT starved for techno-attention? But like anything else, all this social networking doesn't have to be a bad thing. But excess in anything (even cheesecake) doesn't serve the best purpose.
Social Networking is like going to the mall. Have you ever been to a foreign country, like Las Vegas (yep I said Vegas and I dare their mayor to make a hissy fit of it...it's a free country) there is always someone lurking--oh, excuse me--"at the right place and time" with the deal of the century. But just because they look friends and give you that Pepsodent grin like Bob on the Enzyte commercials doesn't mean you have to give them the time of day!
Do-est we forget-eth the first law of social networking? Don't throw up your services and businesses in a stranger's face unless they ASK for it?
Oh yes, I've been guilty like so many. It's sort of like telling a baby that it's not okay to run around naked...unless that baby is at home and protected. Then there were the streakers of the 70s whom we all got a eyeful of (a delightful eyeful) and broke laws just for the sake of baring the buttcheeks because hey, you only live once. So we have to watch our networks and our friends as if they were products offered by a street vendor by:
1. Check the quality of the content.
2. Make sure that the cover matches the content.
(That's right kids, don't dare lie on a resume'--it's called a c-r-i-m-e? Get it?)
3. If the performance doesn't speak for it self, there is nothing anyone can say to sway the buyer one way or the other. The product is what it is, which brings us back to "the social-ness of network-worthiness."
I don't know how you or others may see it, but personally, it's always an admiration that goes thru my spirit when I see people who go after the thing that fits them. Far too many folks in the world trying to squeeze into boxes that are not meant for them to squeeze into. Sort of like saying to the all important baby toe "Okay, today you're going to learn to be the big toe!" Ain't gon' happen. Facebook is a place where we can all be ourselves, and I'm certainly not chasing after anyone or anything....except my own dreams. Those who think they see a fit, come on along and have a ball networking.
After all, even the groundhog has a job and that critter only works 1 day a year just to tell us if we'll have to wait longer on Springtime. (Ground hog sure has a smooth gig, doesn't it?) LOL
Anyway have a splendid day, don't overwork, even 24 hours give a break to the next 24 as opposed to 48 multi-tasked hours at the same time. Much love, happy val's day memories. Besides, anyone that says in a job description "must be good at multi-tasking" is asking for a slave that doesn't complain about doing too much work for too little pay, and won't pay for your mental health care once you break down.
Life is like money. It comes, it goes. Enjoy it both ways.
That's my rap y'all. . .blessin's,