07 October 2011

The Pace & Place of Change

There are people who become discouraged because they do not fit someone else's mold of success. But who says that the sea turtle is any way less worthy of life than the land tortoise. Who says the land tortoise has more clout than the starfish, or the fragile yet beautiful sea corals?

What of the predators of the deep that are so hideous that even the CREATOR gave them an environment to where they cannot even see themselves in the reflection of the sunlight in the open crystal seas?

We are different. We are changing. We are worthy of all that we are supposed to be, not what others feel in their own imagination...for their vision is theirs...our vision is ours...but without God NONE of us has a vision.

So set your pace to the tune of the change you desire in your life.
Have a wonderful autumn of change, and a live full of vibrant expectancy!

08 September 2011


11 August 2011

Cartel...the poem

Click Here to Experience The Poem called "cartel" representing how the world of freedom values YOUR life...and for your children's children.

21 July 2011

Sad. . .

When was the last time you thought you had worth, but someone else thought otherwise?

SAD... another piece of heart by cynth'ya lewis reed

30 April 2011

We will never pass this way again...we're not supposed to....

Ladies & Gentlemen...it is time 4U2 take hold of
"little". . . a dna experience by cynth'ya lewis reed
Click here for a whole lotta "little"

15 April 2011


"tight"....a poetic quirk by cynth'ya lewis reed

For tightness in thought,
click now.

09 March 2011


In a manic quest
there are those among us
hoping 2motiv8 those 
who refuse 2communic8
things they hope 2initi8 

there4 serving 2exasper8
those who continue 2agit8
the current conditions of the times.

...therefore sit & wait on nothing...
...or move & cre8 something...

such an insurmountable formul8tion

All rightz rezerv’d

02 February 2011


Hearbeats move. Sands shift. Lungs fill. Mindz stand still...
Think about it....then read this.

It'z Time 4 U 2 Experience
a poem by Cynth'ya Lewis Reed 
birth'd by The Spirit @ 7:11 a.m. ET Groundhog Day, 2011

01 February 2011


 "I'M SHY....I NEVER KNOW WHAT TO SAY...IT'S HARD FOR ME TO EXPRESS MY FEELINGS" ... to which I reply: "What spooked you so terrifically that all you can do is watch others succeed while you choose to internally bleed?"

Social: defined by definition # 7
... is the most powerful leadership development resource pertaining to action plans and results. Social marketers too often use the tool selfishly and for short term. Therein lies the challenge. Each of us has a purpose. Defined hopefully by our passion, and not by the dollar signs.

However as the passion grows, as the passion expands into a common oneness with others who share the same desire for change and growth, this only scratches the surface. To be social is more than happy hour. To be social is more than keeping an appointment. To be social means willing to risk disappointment when plans fall thru, and taking that disappointment as a stepping stone to learn the lesson, in order to help others in the society we all will one day leave behind. But will your name be remembered? Will your legacy be one of perpetual residual SOCIAL change for the generations to follow?

How SOCIAL are you?... or are you content with living life in the shadows as technology passes over you by choice?
© 2011 Cynth’ya Lewis Reed, all rights reserv’d

Join us to get the best from THE  BEST! Among the 9 high six and seven figure earner instructors on April 23, 2011 in Indianapolis IN, come hear top national six and seven figure income leaders in the ecommerce industry from ALL walks break down their expertise from resurrecting financial ruin to family balancing acts in mind body and spirit!  The atmosphere is nothing less than supercharged and intense at the Second Annual Spring Fling Extreme National Boot Camp "ho holds barred" style segment on SOCIAL MEDIA 2 THE MAX! Your details are waiting at www.3RTAssociation.info

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