"We Just Don't Have Time."
by Ken and Cynth'ya Reed
September 8, 2010
Why is it that the older we become, the faster time moves like a comet? Why is it that the more we think about what we have to do, the less we feel actually gets accomplished?
Perhaps it is as simple as the way we define three words we are all guilty of taking for granted: Those words are "Principles" "Priorities" and "Purpose."
People talk about time and stress like the changing Hoosier weather map. So maybe we all need to take time and ask ourselves the reasons we feel we have so little time in our lives.
Could it be due to the fact that we are far too consumed about what others think of how we order the affairs of their lives?
Maybe if we pause for a moment while sitting in freeway traffic, and really contemplate what we perceive on our “to-do” and then thought “what if I were not around” would those things still get done? Priorities only become a hazard when we feel our purpose is all about being “somebody special” our circles of influence. So why not 30 seconds to ask yourself this often overlooked question:
What's really important, to me?”
To ignore the fact of how we spend our time, and to be blind to the fact that even time leveraged wisely is a crop that reaps its own residual harvest, then how much is our time really worth to the individuals who demand that we spend our time with them?
So as this year swiftly come to a close, and 2011 waits to dazzle us with unexpected surprises, are we pushing the things that mean the most to us into the background of “never mind” because of what other people think we should be doing with our time?
Kenneth and Cynth'ya Reed are licensed internet brokers and owners of a publicly traded company via their business, TheRandLGroup.com. They are also co-founders of 3RT Association LLC, (Reed Reed Tanner & Reed) an established national business consulting team in Indianapolis, Indiana, and creators of MoneyBack2Me.net educational online community for ZamZuu business clients, reps, and licensed internet retail brokers.
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